Cancermoonchild's Journal

Jan 2008
3:38 PM PST

My Last Day as a FT tech!!!

I am SOOO glad this day is finally over!!I didnt get home till almost 10pm and i've been awake since 430 this morning.But i dont have to wake up early tomorrow. WOO HOO...

my first case as Dr. Smoot went good. Two patients.. L cheek for one patient. undereys and perioral for the other patient. In and out done in an hour. I even got to leave the laser there- way easier for me!!

My case at sharp.. started late. i had issues with people i was asking to sterilize my laser fibers for a surgery that was is radiology and not in the main operating room. We had to wait for anethesia who was coming over from Childrens.

I got the best surprise!!! i was sitting in the middle room relaxing as the patient was being put to sleep and I saw steven's glasses thru the little window in the door. He came to see me!!!! He brought a diet pepsi and said that he wanted to say hi to Dr. Kaplan. LOL smoooooth operator. He was so cute. We were in the same room that we met in. So cute!!!

After my case... he met me at my laser truck. We sat inside the truck; he sat in the passenger and i sat on top of him. We kissed and kissed.. looked into eachother's eyes... talked. I was so happy to see him.. He took off his glasses and i was looking at him. The way the lights were coming into the truck, he was absolutely gorgeous. Just being there, in that momentmade me realize that i really do like him.

When i met him and the way he was acting in the case, i just knew that we would have good chemistry, reason why i even gave him my personal number in the first place. But getting to know him and spend time with him, we have crazy good chemistry. Maybe i'm looking too much into it... but i feel it..

cancermoonchild's Profile

  • Username: cancermoonchild
  • Gender / Age: Female, 45
  • Location: USA - California
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    CANCERMOONCHILD's Interests:

    About Me: i love to smile and laugh even if its other people's expense.

    Interests: Being a homebody. Padres. Chargers. Ganja. Sleeping. Dancing. Singing Kareoke.

    Favorite Music: almost everything except country.

    Favorite Movies: Fifth Element. Boondock Saints. Half Baked. Dazed and Confused. American Psycho.

    Favorite Television: ESPN. QVC. HSN. History. Discovery. Military. FOXNews.