brokenheart07's Journal

Oct 2007
5:55 PM EDT

I met a guy about a year ago. He said not to expect much from the relationship but then we got along so well that I started falling for him. He acted like he wanted to be with me but apparently he meant what he said. We dated for a year then he up and moved to another state and didn't want me to go with him. We still talk occasionally but he really broke my heart. He said he never had feelings of love for me like I did him but he couldn't break it off with me because he really enjoyed being with me. He says he really cares about me as a friend but he will never commit to anyone unless he finds a lebanese girl he clicks with (he is lebanese) then maybe he will think about commiting to one person. Once he said that I realized that I needed to pick myself up and brush myself off because I am a beautiful woman and I do not deserve to be treated that way and he doesn't deserve someone as wonderful as me.

brokenheart07's Profile

  • Username: brokenheart07
  • Gender / Age: Female, 45
  • Location: USA - Ohio
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