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blue4u's Journal
Apr 2007
8:16 PM EDT
so whats new..... I feel like a stranger to inbox journal... although its been a while since i wrote not alot has changed .... My life is still full of drama ,I wouldnt know of any other way to have it.. well since I caught Ahole with that girl I did theonly thing I could do and that is turn him loose... I feel so much better about myself and I dont have all the worries at nite... All I do is work but I have been taking time for myself at least 20mins at the tanning bed and atrip to the nail saloon at least every 2 weeks.. Ive also lost 10 pounds ..... I ve been tring to get fit before summer gets here .. I got some really good pictures i want to get put up on my profile ..maybe I(ll have them up by next entry .. I have been living the single life for the last year ..... I have been married 4 13yrs and we have had more downs than good!!!!So he has been gone for over a year and I thought at first I wouldnt make it but now shit I'm hell on wheels with a price to pay.... I love doing what I want when I want.... Not only that but I'm a different person... I actually have 2 of me ... I'm the hard working single mom in the day mother an
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Gender / Age:
Female, 48
USA - Louisiana
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