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blue4u's Journal
Jan 2007
6:35 PM EDT
I guess writing everyday is out of the ques for me but to give my short update things in my life are still screwed up as usual,I dont no what the hell i was thinking last journal ,so to say my mind is made up I no I dont love him and visversa for him.. Finding him in bed with any girl makes it easy but 2days later he's with another chick only this time he lets this hoe and her baby move in for a week !!!!the nerve of that mf!!!!Well as this story goes on I had surgery Friday andhad to stay overnite . A close friend of my grandparents passed away,not only that but the guy i have been talking about him and his grandfather live 1 mile down the road . this is a small town everyone no s every1 so his grandfather was also friends and neighbors of the deciesed. so its like this im lying in the hospital and their at the wake and this girl has been staying with him for a week and so calls him when he's at the funeral home and he gets mad because she ,s ROLLIN so he calls me and thinks i dont know anything so i play along and he tells me how much he wants to be with me and we'll always be together Im better than this and dont need his drama have enough of my own so life goes on and broken hearts heal.....
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Female, 48
USA - Louisiana
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