It's really really really weird. when you try to understand what exactly did you do wrong? or maybe they just dont like me. So they "accidently" shun me. weirdos
I really hate it when theres this person in your class... and you say you dont like themm... but... you are unconciously staring at them- like.. for a long time, really really long. Then you'd be like HOLY CRAP NO. i'm not supposed to be crushing on HIM.�� uh huh. then its like� wait.. why cant i crush on him. OH YA, cuz you're just NOT supposed to. cuz hes supposed to be a real�jerk yup...ya...and then.. you get on confused... like me =)
and then guess what happens next? you'd be like... wait... am i really really crushing on him.. or is it just his amazing looks. ??? then. you are REALLY REALLY confused. its not funny.
AND THEN. you feel like the whole world hates you just becuz THAT GUY doesnt like you back .it continues for days. until you finally calm down. i think.
type more later when i calm down .