Why is math so hard? i hate adding and subtracting fractions.. they make my head hurt!
I hate our other sub though. she sucks at teaching. why can't she just stick to what we're learning. GOD.
i feel so tired =( its all kitty's fault. if she doesnt open the door all the time. then i would get a decent good night's sleep. i should remember to keep the door closed.� oh no. that cat around the neighborhood had more BABIES. god. now there are like... 6 KITTENS living on a porch. We have them kitty's old bed -which is a box with a hole cut in it. we put a pillow in there too! - its raining right now =( i wonder if they'll be warm in our box.� i hope the weeny little kittens dont get sick. =( ASDJFOAIHFOI i can't find anybody who wants a kitten. Arwen already adopted one.. =( poor poor kitties.
-sigh- and here we have SPOILED KITTY. who isn't grateful for everything she has. tsk tsk tsk. she wouldn't even eat the cat food if she doesnt like it. =(
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