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auxilary25's Journal
Sep 2010
9:05 PM EDT
"Do you not know that a little yeast has its effect all through the dough?" –1 Corinthians 5:6
I lost all peace in the past months because I lost connection with God. Instead of praying and turning to Him for guidance I decided to take over the wheel and try to navigate my life towards the path I thought was best for me. I was prideful and thought that I knew it all, I know what's best for me.�
The answers to all of our problems can be answered through prayer. Rather than fighting with those that upset us and trying to change them in negative ways we should close our eyes and pray. Pray that we allow God to show us the way to turn this around, to touch the hearts of those that are hardened and are acting in ways that God would never approve of because they are hurtful.�
I'm ashamed of the many times I've argued back, I've been easily angered, I've lost hope because of the way that other people treated me. Their opinions don't matter, what matters is that God approves of my actions. What matters is that I make God happy & proud in everything that I do. What matter is that I apply what Jesus taught us in my day to day life.
Moving forward, I'm going to try and be that little yeast that has an effect through the dough. I will be good, positive, peaceful, sympathetic, calm, patient even when I'm facing a battle in hopes that my change will eventually touch the hearts of my enemy and guide them towards a path that leads to a relationship with God.
God, I'm sorry I failed you and I promise to try to bite my tongue whenever I want to say something mean and nasty because I"m hurt. Instead of crying and saying "why me" I'll pray for those that hurt me. I'll pray that you touch their hearts and they find your love because when they do they'll stop hurting me and everyone else. The love that will flow from them will be beautiful because it's a love that comes from You and nothing can be more perfect. I love you God because of the endless opportunities You give us. I have much to learn and I hope that even though I stumble I make You proud when I stand up and find my way back to You.
Please bless all the readers on this forum. Listen to the silent prayers in their hearts and reassure them that everything will be ok if they turn to You even when it seems like all hope is gone. Bless everyone in the world so that one day we can all get along, help one another, find eternal peace, and live in this world as you intended us to from the beginning.
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auxilary25's Profile
Gender / Age:
Female, 40
USA - California
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AUXILARY25's Interests:
About Me:
I'm 21 years old and I'm a university student majoring in accounting. I'm in a relationship right now where I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life. I truly have no doubt in my heart that this is the man that I want to marry because he completes me in every way. My only problem in this relationship has always been my bfs past. My mind is always going back to his past and comparing the love he felt for them to the one he feels for him. My insecurity has led me to believe that I'm not his 1st choice that he's with me because his "love" left him behind...it was 5 years ago but still the thoughts are there..hopefully through journaling I can get this feeling out of my heart so that our relationship can get stronger.
I love reading whenever I actually have the time. One of my fav authors is Jodi Picoult. I'm a big Harry Potter fan but unfortunately I haven't gotten around to finishing the last book eventhough I started a year ago.. I love my nintendo Wii and I can't wait for more games to come out. I love to work out 4 times a week because it helps me release my stress and feel good about myself.
Favorite Music:
Ashlee Simpson, My Chemical Romance, Jessica Simpson, Daughtry, All American Rejects, Simple Plan, Plan White Ts...and the list goes on
Favorite Movies:
Sweet Home Alabama, How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days, Grease, Crazy Beautiful, Beaches, What Dreams May Come, Dirty Dancing, Man on Fire, and Trison and Isolde.
Favorite Television:
Brothers and Sisters, Desperate Housewives, Greys Anatomy, One Tree Hill, and FRIENDS!! Everybody Loves Raymond, I Love Lucy, King of Queens, My Wife and Kids.
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