angelofbliss's Journal

Apr 2007
6:06 PM EDT

Who would ever think that life would be the one to throw and toss you about like a long lost stuff animal? That life would, even when it was going great, throw a ball at you that would knock you off your feet. It seemed impossible.

Yet, that is what happened. It is what happened when I was molested at a young age and then almost raped before school. This is what happened when I was deinosed with being bi-polar and metally, emotionally, and psycologically insane. It seems impossible for a fourteen year old to go through this and still survive.

Yet, this is my story and my life that I have survived. This is my tale of woe and terror that I live with and still echo. I wish, if anything, to be born again without this itch to kill.

But, through this all, I have had friends that stand, still, beside me and have helped me. If anything, I would be surprised if the still would like me for the lies I have told them.

Lesson One: Tell the truth before you find the harshness of reality has slammed into your face.

angelofbliss's Profile

  • Username: angelofbliss
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: USA - Ohio
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    ANGELOFBLISS's Interests:

    About Me: I am a 14-year-old girl who lives life in ways that others don't. I do not know how to discribe myself.

    Interests: Writing, Poetry, Reading, Pets-Cats and Dogs, Skateboarding, Biking