ampogue01's Journal

Jul 2009
4:39 PM EDT

What is the single biggest time-waster in your life, and what will you do about it this year?

The single biggest time waste in my life is people who bring negativity to me. I have begun to weed them out. I am trying my best to surround myself w/ positive people that I can learn from &�be a positive influence. Not those add stress &�more unneeded heartache to my life. Some people like to cause drama &�can’t stand to see others happy. As much as I hate to say it most of those negative people Mike pointed out but I was too hard headed to listen. I had to learn on my own. Well as�I�told him I am taking this time to examine my life &�learn from my past mistakes. I need to do this in order to build a POSITIVE FUTURE!

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  • Username: ampogue01
  • Gender / Age: Female, 44
  • Location: USA - Florida
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