Daily Life

Apr 2008
9:31 PM EDT

Can't sleep again

Wow-2nd entry this week, I'm on a roll.� Wasting time again-because I can't sleep.� I'm hoping I keep writing or surfing long enough to become exhausted and fall asleep.�� I have a lot going on so I can't seem to stop thinking about everything which is keeping me awake.

I went on an interview today-finally, it sounds promising, I'll keep my fingers crossed.� Swicthing jobs will help alleviate some of my mind wandering, so will my classes being over for the semester.� I've practically been ignoring my kids so I can write my papers and study for exams.�� this is why I should have finished college before getting married and having kids.� But-no use in thinking about what I should have done because it won;t get me anywhere.�

Learn from the past, live for today & don't worry about tomorrow!��� really what else can you do?

Apr 2008
9:12 PM EDT

Can't sleep!

Couldn't sleep last night.� Not sure why, everytime I drifted off I had a weird dream & would wake up within ten minutes.� this happened several times.� I should be going to bed now, but not sure I'll be able to sleep again.��� This happens every once in awhile.� Its probably just some memories that can't seem to be put away no matter how old they are.�� I need to try anyways-need to be able to function at work tomorrow.


Mar 2008
8:06 PM EDT


Snowing again!� Easter is in two days and we now have 9-10" of new snow!� I'm sore from soveling-but it was great excercise.

Still trying to figure things out.� One conclusion of come to is that I get angry too easily!� I take after my father, he would get angry at everything (only took it out on inanimate objects) and we all new to stay out of his way!� I've always had his temper-but as a teen-ager I learned how to control it.� Somehow I've lost some of that control, or have to learn to readjust-fine tune it to include the stresses of family, work, life!� I need to gfigure it out-because I see the say temper in my children -especially my daughter.� And I need to be able to show them that it can be controlled!�

Mar 2008
8:49 PM EDT

Still here

I've been a little lapsed in writing in this. My goal has been to make an entry every other day or two Worked well so far, don't you think!?!?

I've sent out a few more resume's though not too optimistic about hearing anything from them. Maybe I need to just y attitude and try sending out good vibes to the companies! Its just so frustrating! I didn't want to be at work today at all & my boss wasn't even there. Ok-I need an attutude adjustment-think good vibes!

I started following a Weight Watchers plan this week as well. I really need to do something aobut my weight, I'd like to be around to see my kids graduate! I'm doing ok so far, I just need to get past the stress and emotional eating. Wish it were as easy as it sounds.

I'm hoping writing will help me figure out things in my life.

1 comment(s) - 11:40 AM - 03/06/2008

Feb 2008
6:42 PM MST


Yeah it is almost Friday! I'm going to a basketball game with my son tomorrow. This will be our first professional game. He is so excited!

My boss will be out most of next week so the atmosphere at work will be more relaxed. I really wish I could get out of there, but not having much luck looing for another job. I'll just give it some time and keep looking. Hopefully I'll find something soon-before I lose my mind! though until then I'll have to try to stay positive and do the best I can.

Feb 2008
9:53 PM EDT

Life/Work/Home/Mother Balance-is it possible?

I'm trying to get a new lease/perspective on my life. I have felt so negative about everything lately. Not just lately the past several months. I've blamed most of it on my work, because I can't stand the company I work for and am beginning to hate my job as well. Then of course everything trickles over into my family life and I becaome negative with them as well.I'm trying to figure out how to get myself out of this. And what I need to do to change,

What of the things I realized the other night when I was yelling at my kids is that I need a life.I don't mean I want a different Life, I just need to find a balance in my life. Everything I do is for my family (of course including me) but it seems that I'm the last one I think about. I know that this is part of being a mother and accept that, but I think, no I know I could do a better job if I could find a way to balance things that I need for me as well as for my family. I just have to figure out how do to this.

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  • Username: Uni
  • Gender / Age: Female, 55
  • Location: USA - Illinois
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    About Me: I'm just looking for a place where I can write and share my worldy views and opinions!

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