Tikasiamese's Journal

Mar 2007
3:15 PM EDT

I haven't been on in a few days. Beenvery busy withschool and other things.I'm fine. Just a quiet Saturday. Went to Wegmans and spent $97.00 in groceries. I was out of everything.Went to the indian reservation to get gas - it was $2.38 and spent $27.00 againin my Saturn ION 3. Then went to Angola to visit my parents (I am originally from Angola, about 25 miles south of Buffalo along lake erie - a 2 minute drive to the lake...went to the beach alot as a kid). Just came home a little while ago. I have an inventory atSears (at the Boulevard in Amherst - so I have to leave at 5:15am)in the AM so I have to get up early tomorrow.

Tikasiamese's Profile

  • Username: Tikasiamese
  • Gender / Age: Male, 59
  • Location: USA - New York
    Photo Album

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    TIKASIAMESE's Interests:

    About Me: A

    Interests: 2007-10-13

    Favorite Music: I like computer games, reading, aerobics (tae bo, spinning), running, walking, rollerblading.

    Favorite Movies: 80's music, clarinet/alto sax classical music.

    Favorite Television: shawshenk redemption, good fellas, driving miss daisy, lean on me, titanic.

    Favorite Books: lifetime movies.....