Just another sad story...

Oct 2009
7:09 PM EDT


�� Im scared.

Ok so over the past few weeks ever since school started, I�'ve had a creeper in my class. His name is Steve S. I�dont know what to do. He's a year older than me and is a nice kid. Up until u see his face its so... odd looking. Not to be mean but it is slanted at a downward angle. CREEPY! �He talks about me apparetly with his friends, because a few have came up and were like "Hey do you know a steve s? " " So your the girl?" and so on. Well now I am led to believe he somehow managed to get my cell number even though Im pretty sure none of my friends would give it to him without telling me and not to mention that I only have like five friends in my contact list. So it would'nt make sense for him to have it. Before you say Im just freeking out and getting ahead of myself. I reconize the number as his cause I've seen it befoe when he wrote it on my art journal. (dont wry I erased it�=D )�But how would he get my number? and why would he want it? Cause honestly I thought I had made it clear to him that I soo did not like him. Bleck! well I'll try to keep y'all up dated. tootles

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