SomebodysAngel's Journal

Sep 2007
5:55 AM EDT

I'm more of a private journal type of person, but I like reading everyone elses, so I think I'll post a public one just for the heck of it. I'm in Web Page Designs and it seems as though I'm not the only one that post entries in a computer class (I wonder how many are in this very room right now). Life is pretty good right now. I may post more and expain the craziness that has been my eighteen years on this earth. I like a boy....which is very amusing because I told my mom I was gay, because I thought I I guess it's bi...Anyway, this isn't just any boy (of couse, because they never are). He was my first boyfriend. I've had a few since him. He's in my Astronomy class. The first few days of school he talked to me, told me I looked pretty, and I wondered if he was flirting with me. But now I'm not sure if he really knows I'm actually there. It's funny how you can be sitting there having a conversation with someone who is looking dead into your eyes and you get the feeling that they don't even see you. He's in band and I'm in colorguard and we had a game Friday. I got a friend of mine to tell him that he(the friend) knows somebody who likes him. You have no idea how good it feels just to have normal, every day teenage problems.

SomebodysAngel's Profile

  • Username: SomebodysAngel
  • Gender / Age: Female, 36
  • Location: USA - Georgia
    SOMEBODYSANGEL's Interests:

    About Me: I guess I'm just your almost average teenage girl. Yes, almost average. I'm not really girly, but I do things like wear make-up, fix my hair, and care slightly about what I'm wearing. I'm in colorguard this year for the first time (a little late in the game, I know) and I love it. I make fairly good grades and I hang out with just about anybody. But like most people, there is more to me then meets the eye. On the outside, I'm a carefree, typical eighteen year old just trying to survive her senior year in high school. But if you take the time to listen, to unlock the door, you'll discover a deep thinker with fears, regrets, and memories that she can't seem to rid. I have no clue what everyone elses "About Yourself" reads and it's taken a long time for me to finally write in mine and this is probably more elaborated then needed, but this is it. This is me.

    Interests: I love to write, hence why I visit this site almost daily. My other favorite past time is listening to music. I like to read, but with school and colorguard, I sadly am lacking in that area of my life at the moment.

    Favorite Music: If I like it, I'll listen to it. My favorite thing right now is rock, but it really depends on what mood I'm in and what "phase" I'm going through. Yes, I'm the first teenager you will meet that will freely admit: I have phases. But they are my phases and I will go through them as I please. And this has absolutely nothing to do with music...I like oldies. Sixties music. The Beatles are amazing. I've started listening to Pink Floyd, but that is a couple of decades later, I believe. I do listen to country and Eminem is about as rap as I ever could muster.

    Favorite Movies: This calls for a list... The Shawshank Redemption Dirty Dancing The Notebook Fried Green Tomatoes Hide and Seek The Sixth Sense The Skeleton Key The Family Stone Lord of the Rings

    Favorite Television: I don't watch very much television, compared to some people, but I like watching music videos and I am a movie addict.

    Favorite Books: Another list... To Kill a Mockingbird My Sister's Keeper Lovely Bones Sayanora Harry Potter