PrivateDee's Journal

Aug 2006
11:42 AM CST

Well today is beautiful. I'm really bored since I didnt have to go to school today. I went to the library to read...The science of love...There was a quote from Samuel Jonson...Love is a disease that can only be cured by marriage...I its funny to me. I dont know what to believe about love. I've only really been in love like 2 times out of whole 19 years. I should tell the guy, that I'm in love with now, that I'm in love with him, But I don't know how. It hurts sometimes when I sit and think about how much I love him. What is your opinion on what love is? I think its just caring for someone so much you would give your life for them. I also believe there are different stages of love. Your suppose to love everyone. So in a way there that stage. Theres also this one stage where I feel like ooo I'm suppose to love these people(like family)But then there are the ones you truely love. The one that have touched you in the most powerful way! I love my friendz more then anything in the world. I dont know y I'm making this post public but I don't care...Maybe I can get some help from the people that read my can email if you have a suggestion on what I should do...( to those that do.Well its about to rain here in Dallas, TX and I love the rain so I'ma go sit and watch the rain.

PrivateDee's Profile

  • Username: PrivateDee
  • Gender / Age: Female, 38
  • Location: USA