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Privacy963's Journal
Feb 2011
4:50 AM
Dear Diary OH woe is me for my memory is horrid and I cannot remember evrytime. Perhaps I need to use my memory more starting now. So heres an upate Egpyt and Tunisia had a revolution and now other countries have their revolts as well. Whether they tun t AMerica orto Iran we will never know. But back to home. Eveythings good so far xcept Dad's getting so I should stay away from him. Carlos M will let me hang out with him but the problem is Im busy after school and yeah Im busy I messed up with my sins again oh I hope God can forgive me I really do mess up. For now though I will pray. everything is going wll now and here this funny thing that happened today. WE were all in Biology and I accident called the teacher the wrong name and it resulted in me yelling at Richmond and stating "RICHMOND'S A LIAR LOOK AT HIS FACE" everyone started crack up and Mr.Douglas even had to leave the room. Oh yeah he joked about P guess he's not a conservative anyways his DAD is but after that was a high peak of the day. I need to sleep soon though so Yours Truly Philip Inocerta Macapagal
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Male, 29
USA - California
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