Privacy963's Journal

Feb 2011
4:50 AM

Dear Diary OH woe is me for my memory is horrid and I cannot remember evrytime. Perhaps I need to use my memory more starting now. So heres an upate Egpyt and Tunisia had a revolution and now other countries have their revolts as well. Whether they tun t AMerica orto Iran we will never know. But back to home. Eveythings good so far xcept Dad's getting so I should stay away from him. Carlos M will let me hang out with him but the problem is Im busy after school and yeah Im busy I messed up with my sins again oh I hope God can forgive me I really do mess up. For now though I will pray. everything is going wll now and here this funny thing that happened today. WE were all in Biology and I accident called the teacher the wrong name and it resulted in me yelling at Richmond and stating "RICHMOND'S A LIAR LOOK AT HIS FACE" everyone started crack up and Mr.Douglas even had to leave the room. Oh yeah he joked about P guess he's not a conservative anyways his DAD is but after that was a high peak of the day. I need to sleep soon though so Yours Truly Philip Inocerta Macapagal

Feb 2011
4:50 AM

Dear Diary OH woe is me for my memory is horrid and I cannot remember evrytime. Perhaps I need to use my memory more starting now. So heres an upate Egpyt and Tunisia had a revolution and now other countries have their revolts as well. Whether they tun t AMerica orto Iran we will never know. But back to home. Eveythings good so far xcept Dad's getting so I should stay away from him. Carlos M will let me hang out with him but the problem is Im busy after school and yeah Im busy I messed up with my sins again oh I hope God can forgive me I really do mess up. For now though I will pray. everything is going wll now and here this funny thing that happened today. WE were all in Biology and I accident called the teacher the wrong name and it resulted in me yelling at Richmond and stating "RICHMOND'S A LIAR LOOK AT HIS FACE" everyone started crack up and Mr.Douglas even had to leave the room. Oh yeah he joked about P guess he's not a conservative anyways his DAD is but after that was a high peak of the day. I need to sleep soon though so Yours Truly Philip Inocerta Macapagal

Feb 2011
5:43 PM

ALthough today I may have sinned I know I am now free. Free to love GOd free to look at him free to really pray fo his forgiveness sincerly. THis week's been hard though I know I will pull through. I have my friends on my sides and my mind on school and I believe that there are people who truly care about me. LORD GOD PUNISH ME FOR MY SINS OF THIS WEEK TODAY SO I MAY LIVE TO SEE TOMMORROW SO I SHALL SEE JOY TOMMORROW.

Dec 2010
5:24 PM

Dear Diary So its the last day of the year. Theres a lot to be happy for. New friends,lots of food,a new computer,Great Grades but theres also a lot to be sad for. My family hasn't been feeling like a family lately.I dont know why it just feels more like a house divided. You know whats weird life is all depressing and dramatic if I dont write in you. Maybe I guess I think to write it you more esspecially since when I write in you diary I feel more productive and less lazy. Vacation has been relaxing but I think I am happier with school for some reason. All the work makes me well it blocks the lonliness here at home. Anyway I am ready for a new year and for new adventures. Yours Truly PhilipMacapagal
1 comment(s) - 11:18 PM - 01/10/2011

Sep 2010
2:58 PM PST

Dear Hanna
I'll call you Hanna from now on because two significant people I know have that name. My loving cousin and in my opinion my best friend, Since 7th grade Hanna from school protected me from the verbal abuse of bullies and still(despite drama) has time to console me in my time of need and my coz is one of the most loving cousins one could have. Even if we're in different worlds I can still feel her love.
� School was really fun today except we had lots of Beiser hw too 70 problems come on. Anyway I think it's cause we're going to have a test soon which is probably as far as we know its tommorrow. Since it's so much I'll finish the rest tommorrow. My plan for a drawing club is going very well a few more people joined up also. Many are girls but that's ok I just want to help people learn how to draw. Though Mr.Grove has to approve remember Philip Don't count your chickens before you count your eggs hatch. We're still meeting 7th graders which is actually cool I think we can make a much better impact than last year. My batch last year didn't turn out good in my opinion. Instead of focusing on my problems I should focus on theirs.�
� In school we keep having test test test but still it's fun. You to help the 9th graders this year I was considering a creating a Chemist club and a Biology Club you know�to make things funner and eaiser. Also we need a math club which can help Griffins love math more and provide more effective tutoring. Kids teaching kids doesn't that sound wonderful.

Diary I sinned I really hoep I can stop but I know I will with God's�love
Good night for it's very late

���������������� Yours truly

���������������������� Philip Macapagal
P.S Did you know Mr.Douglas wrote a diary so he can compose his thoughts I think I will too

Sep 2010
2:58 PM PST

Dear Hanna
I'll call you Hanna from now on because two significant people I know have that name. My loving cousin and in my opinion my best friend, Since 7th grade Hanna from school protected me from the verbal abuse of bullies and still(despite drama) has time to console me in my time of need and my coz is one of the most loving cousins one could have. Even if we're in different worlds I can still feel her love.
� School was really fun today except we had lots of Beiser hw too 70 problems come on. Anyway I think it's cause we're going to have a test soon which is probably as far as we know its tommorrow. Since it's so much I'll finish the rest tommorrow. My plan for a drawing club is going very well a few more people joined up also. Many are girls but that's ok I just want to help people learn how to draw. Though Mr.Grove has to approve remember Philip Don't count your chickens before you count your eggs hatch. We're still meeting 7th graders which is actually cool I think we can make a much better impact than last year. My batch last year didn't turn out good in my opinion. Instead of focusing on my problems I should focus on theirs.�
� In school we keep having test test test but still it's fun. You to help the 9th graders this year I was considering a creating a Chemist club and a Biology Club you know�to make things funner and eaiser. Also we need a math club which can help Griffins love math more and provide more effective tutoring. Kids teaching kids doesn't that sound wonderful.

Diary I sinned I really hoep I can stop but I know I will with God's�love
Good night for it's very late

���������������� Yours truly

���������������������� Philip Macapagal
P.S Did you know Mr.Douglas wrote a diary so he can compose his thoughts I think I will too

Jun 2010
1:50 PM PST

Dear Diary I have to sleep soon but theres just so many things to talk about. Today I feel blessed. You know I feel like God always wants us to be happy and today is one of those days. It is because of two reasons first because first I'm accepted into the summer program and second I am going to be altar serving soon. The orientation meeting is on Saturday and although I have to cancelthe trip I am still happy. Today I was able to get the community service from Las Palmas I can't wait to start volunteering I can believe I forget how to write.

Privacy963's Profile

  • Username: Privacy963
  • Gender / Age: Male, 29
  • Location: USA - California