PeaceBunny's life quest for PEACE, LOVE, and BROWNIES

Nov 2008
8:14 PM EDT

Yeah well...

I celebrated my birthday on friday, the 7th. I'm seventeen now and I feel a change coming on. I'm not going to waste another moment wondering "what if." I'm not going to procrastinate, I'm just going to do what I have to do. I also have to remember to be realistic and to choose what is necessary for me to and what is not such a good idea. My weekend was alright too. I'll have t'say that I have nothing to really complain about. I'm an okay kid, and my confidence level should not be at this all time low. WHere the hell did my self-esteem go? i cna't continue on this path, I cant keep reverting back to old habits. I will not try to be someone I am not, that's for sure, but I know my self is capable of more than just merely existing and comfortably getting by. *Sigh* I'm going to bed, and dreaming about the scrumptious cake my mom baked for me that probably added a few pounds to my skinny frame. Good night

PeaceBunny's Profile

  • Username: PeaceBunny
  • Gender / Age: Female, 34
  • Location: USA - Florida
    PEACEBUNNY's Interests:

    About Me: I am someone who rather not sum up all the qualities and life experiences in this one space since I can not even do such in a journal entry about my one day. Not because I think I am better, and I am definitely not, but because I don't know where to start...still though, I am a very nice person, I love people even though I do like to spend time by myself to reboost and reevaluate so that I can actually be around people and respect them. I am not one of those "I hate humankind" people and I do not hate America, there are somethings that I do rant about and call out and express myself strongly about and it upsets people, so I am working on saying it in a way that will get my point across and not so harshly. I am a Christian, I am a writer, I am a woman, I am a Black American (Jamaican too), I am a pescatarian, soon to be veg. I am still kind of afraid to be passionate about what I believe in as a woman, black person, and pescatarian not because I am ashamed but because I do not want to preach to people and tell them what to do and because most times they aren;t even listening. Everyone listens when I talk about Christianity though so yay for me!

    Interests: Christianity, the Bible, Islam, Buddhism many other religions, Vegetarianism, Music, Writing (Poetry included), Art as in drawing paintings and their history, I love History of all kind by the way, except for American, but its not that bad I guess. I love dancing, singing, hanging out with my family, friends, learning new things, ranting about and also discussing controversial topics. I watch television and I know the evils so spare me, I like the computer and I like taking pictures even though I don't have another camera other than on my cell phone. I have many more interests like boys for example, they are an interesting species to observe and interact with :)

    Favorite Music: The Cribs, Run DMC, Babyshambles, Death Cab For Cutie, The Charlatans, Naughty By Nature, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Kooks, Public Enemy, Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, Lupe Fiasco, Late of the Pier, and many MANY MANY more, trust me, but I really like reggae, rock, hip hop (old skool except for Lupe), some techno and nuevo tango

    Favorite Movies: Oh No, too much to fit here, but I really love the movies Waking Life, Freedom Writers, DreamGirls, Next Stop Wonderland, Marie Antoinette, DIe HArd with a VEngence, Something NEw, Clueless, MOulin ROuge, Shrek, MEan Girls, A Knight's Tale, The Dark KNight and really there's so much more films I enjoy that I have to add later...

    Favorite Television: The Mentalist, Life on Mars, The New Adventures of Old Christine, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Psych, The Simpsons, Boondocks and more

    Favorite Books: the Bible, it has everything yo...but I really like the books A Lesson Before Dying, End Game, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, and much more can't really think of anymore right now