Lost's Journal

May 2007
6:30 PM EDT

my mom is failing apart and i can't do anything not even give her a hug and tell her everything well work out she so far gone she doesn't have time or the energy to talk to me on the phone and i don't blame her i mean the love of her life is wasting away in a jail cell its killing me that the most important person in my hole life is hurting so badly any i can't do anything at all i know i'm suppose to be happy i'm going on this trip to get this award but how can i when my mom is hurting so badly what am i suppose to do i just can't deal with all this on my own and for the first time my mom can't help me she can't even help herself right now
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Lost's Profile

  • Username: Lost
  • Gender / Age: Female, 39
  • Location: USA - Washington
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