Lost's Journal
May 2007
1:41 PM EDT
so yea yesterday i was having a day of it and crying and crap so my home girl wanted to kick and go the club and i figured sence i was trppin anyway i should suck it up and go but lately everything has been all about my home girl and i just can't deal with it now cause i got my own shit to deal with and everytime i try and take care of it she stat trippin and be like don't tell me this is about a boy your not kicking it with me cause of a boy and all kinds of crazyness but yet whenever her phone rings she got to got its a hina and she needs to take care of it or she could be having an issue with a hina and we as in me and her have to deal with it solve her problems and shit i just can't take it very much longer i can't deal with her crap and try and figure my own stuff with the fireman and plus her and all the stuff with work i don't know i just i don't know maybe i'm trippin
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Gender / Age:
Female, 39
USA - Washington
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