Lost's Journal

May 2007
12:29 PM EDT

OMG i don't know whats wrong with me he came in to the job today my fireman you know and i totally spazed i mean i got butterflies and everything it was so sick and then i really really wanted to talk to him and then i didn't get the chance and so then i really felt sick and so just wanted to come straight home and cry i don't even know why i feel like this it is so bad and i super extra don't want to hear my friends crap about me spazing like this cause A) i don't know why i am and B) i can't even being to control it let alone stop it and i'm so sure he has no clue oh how i wish he knew how i wish he could just read my thoughts no matter how fast i might think them if he could just read my mind this wouldn't be so hard and i wouldn't be such a nut or may be i would be but at least then someone would understand me
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Lost's Profile

  • Username: Lost
  • Gender / Age: Female, 39
  • Location: USA - Washington
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