Lost's Journal

Apr 2007
9:53 PM EDT

okay so i didn't see TK last night and i wont see him tonight its wired but good he told me light where he was and what he was doing yesterday but to day i loved it he told me early what his plans where and what was going to happen so i guess we are taking baby steps but we are getting there okay on other notes he don't want anyone to know really and its okay with me mostly but i have a few friends that are great people but like me hate being lied to so i had to tell them and tell them the deal so that i didn't lie to them really made a new friend today and that was cool i thought of TK most of the day i wonder if he thinks about me half as much as i think of him i doubt it

Lost's Profile

  • Username: Lost
  • Gender / Age: Female, 39
  • Location: USA - Washington
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