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Lost's Journal
Mar 2007
6:39 PM EDT
hmmmm i just need to man up for real things have been hurting my feelis like crazy and my friends don't seem to understand and then the people who are seeming anyway to understand are people i viewed as week so oes that know make me week i think so but anyway for all those that want to know what when down with the guy turns out he is in to heavier set brighter skined women so not me at all its cool his lost i was at the mall the other day sunday on my day off and i meet this guy he is for sure in to me we have been talking and texting every day but i'm not going to get all worked up over him i mean don't get me wrong he is magea fine but i don't really want to start anything with any one because its not fair to the i get deployed in september for like four to six months and there is the very real chance that i don't come back at all so i really don't want to hurt anyone like that its not right for someone to get all into me and then i up and have to leave and have them worry for like half a year praying i come back to them i mean yea it would help me to know i have someone to come home to someone to fight for someone to live for but to be fair i would rather just fight for the chance to get all those things
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Gender / Age:
Female, 39
USA - Washington
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