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Lost's Journal
Mar 2007
9:49 PM EDT
its said because after today i look out at the world around me and don't trust any of it i feel so alone but i am serounded by people i one don't trust two half i no longer like and the said part is i am suppose to trust that this people have my back cover when we go to war like i'm suppose to have theirs covered i don't know i just really need some help right now i don't know what to do anymore i not a baby i don't want to go home that its going to solve anything i still beleive in the things i believed in that made me sign thew paper to sign my life over to the serivce but it hard for me now because i am also starting to believe that maybe what i beleive in is a lie that i just bought into for so long like a fool and i don't really now know how i can go to work and do my job now because i am starting to lose all faith well not in my job so much as my actual job like i still right now anyway believe in what my job is for and the mission that my job has but it my actual job job more like my work place i don't believe in anymore and i can't be an effective troop thinking this way i don't know i think i just need more time
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Gender / Age:
Female, 39
USA - Washington
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