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Lost's Journal
Feb 2007
12:20 AM EDT
work bit the big one now and well whatever i really miss him right now how crazy is that but here is a new kicker my best friend tells me that he never really got over me and doesn't want to he just moves on because he feels he has too and man oh man why did he have to go and say that i mean yea i still love him and always will but i just can't be with him because i could never really trust him there will always be the two other girls in his past i don't know its what ever i guess it will have to stay the way it is as us being friends but here is the thing i had a cut buddy awhile back and now that I'm kinda seeing my guy i don't know what to tell him because he and my guy know each other and don't like each other but I'm still not sure what my guy calls us so to me yea he is my boyfriend but i don't know what i am to him and so i don't know how to tell my buddy why we can't get down like we use to i just used work and sleep until now but now we both have the same days off and baby comes back in like a day but i don't want to cheat on him i know he care for me and we both have trust issues so i don't want to losses his trust before i have earned it all the way well any way love is crazy the heart and the mind don't agree one will break or the other will go crazy either way I'm once again lost in the world of what to do next
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Female, 39
USA - Washington
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