Lost's Journal

Feb 2007
6:14 PM EDT

so yea i didn't get to finish my last entry but need lest to say i had a bad day at work i'm lot calmer not so its all good i get to move to day i'm soooooooo happy now it great and i get to go snowboarding for the first time on Sunday i'm pumped about that too and well i'm just going to call him my boyfriend who is it going to hurt other than me no one right right so anyway my boy friend comes home on Thursday yea i can't wait plus Thursday well be the first day that my job can relax cause that will be the first day after the inspection and i'm off that day its all to the good but anyway thats it for now

Lost's Profile

  • Username: Lost
  • Gender / Age: Female, 39
  • Location: USA - Washington
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