So today Me && Mia spent the majority of our day writing, passing && recieving notes from was 2 cute. I figured from this point on we would be pretty darn close but whose to say for sure. She did the sweetest thing 2day && left my given nickname "Patrick"�on the board in her 4rth prd. class && I seen it in my 5th prd. It had me smiling long && hard. It was 2 Cute! I call myself trynna top it by leaving a note behind the board with a riddle to go along with it to find it;; I must say it was pretty clever but too bad she is suspended 2m && wont be able to go on that "Treasure hunt" but it's ok..I guess I can say I might miss her, I probably will [[ Just a little bit]]
Im still not completely sure about this but all I know is she makes me smile, makes me laugh, makes me happy! Weird I know but def. true. Don't get me wrong I love Sakara with all of my heart but something has fragmented our relationship to make me feel for another girl, especially Mia && it might just be Mia herself. Everything happens for a reason right? So maybe this has a purpose...maybe? It could make me 0r break me. I do know I don't want to lose my baby over someone, over Mia out of all ppl. God No! {Sigh}