
Jun 2008
3:04 PM EDT

Spongebob && Patrick

So today Me && Mia spent the majority of our day writing, passing && recieving notes from was 2 cute. I figured from this point on we would be pretty darn close but whose to say for sure. She did the sweetest thing 2day && left my given nickname "Patrick"�on the board in her 4rth prd. class && I seen it in my 5th prd. It had me smiling long && hard. It was 2 Cute! I call myself trynna top it by leaving a note behind the board with a riddle to go along with it to find it;; I must say it was pretty clever but too bad she is suspended 2m && wont be able to go on that "Treasure hunt" but it's ok..I guess I can say I might miss her, I probably will [[ Just a little bit]]

Im still not completely sure about this but all I know is she makes me smile, makes me laugh, makes me happy! Weird I know but def. true. Don't get me wrong I love Sakara with all of my heart but something has fragmented our relationship to make me feel for another girl, especially Mia && it might just be Mia herself. Everything happens for a reason right? So maybe this has a purpose...maybe? It could make me 0r break me. I do know I don't want to lose my baby over someone, over Mia out of all ppl. God No! {Sigh}

May 2008
3:17 PM EDT


Tonight Josh called me saying he had someone on the line who wanted to talk to me && as I guessed it would be, it was Mia. We chit chatted for a while, argued almost even, played a game of "Famous Name" && almost got too flirtacious but was stopped by a knock on the window by my baby around 2am, I hung up the phone && let her in.

She came in && hugged me so sweetly, tightly && long. It wasn't too uncommon but I felt something other than the usual. She looked me in the eyes && plead her love for me && promised me she would do better, she would show me that she loves me, she said she knew she hadnt been doing too good with it so she was going to show && prove, because she wanted too. It was a heart-felt moment, move-like if I can say. We made love after that && slept the rest of the night away && by 6am she was gone.

In the midst of our convo. she brought up she knew about me & Mia goin off somewhere supposively w/ josh & Terrica as lookouts && I told her that they werent looking out && We just went to talk out our problems which is 1/2 way true u know. I could tell she was upset, but it was what I wanted her to be, I wanted her to hate Mia but I could also see it� probably wouldnt go beyond that.

May 2008
3:31 PM EDT

0MFG!!!! :) (:

Well how can I say this, guess it's no easy way to put it. I kissed Mia, again. Except it was more the bathroom, the bathroom stall, at school, 5th prd. We were both out of place but I dont think neither of us cared. I dont know why, what, how but I know it happened. It was so fast, so weird but it was so, so real! OMG I cant believe myself I really hate this girl, well not now maybe, but I do! She slept with my girlfriend, this bitch is the enemy..has been for 4 years now..Aint no way I could possibly like her. We fought twice, she beat my ass twice! DAMNIT! I hate this bitch!!! She is so the enemy but whoa did she really have me hooked. Not the bathroom session but her sweetness && niceness that came after it. I dont know what to do, let me go think about this, it's such a mess. I have to think about Pig, am I gonna tell her, No-yes! How will I, When will I gonna tell her

0MG, g2g i'll keep u updated

Latavia's Profile

  • Username: Latavia
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: USA - Florida
    LATAVIA's Interests:

    About Me: I am an upcoming Sophmore, Im bisexual though I dont like to use labelz, Im 16 && My birthday is Jan. 30th. Im in love with Sakara && Crushin also [[bad, I know]] Im dark-skinned, 5'4, short hair but I keep it done (Weave-head;; yes) Im proper, very intelligent,

    Interests: Volleyball, Talking on the phone, Girls && boys, clothes-shopping, Music, television, books (love to read) Myspace, bookworm, horoscopes, poetry & writing

    Favorite Music: R&B, P0p && Hip-Hop Sometimes Rap!

    Favorite Movies: Hmmmmm....So Many!

    Favorite Television: Anything intersting

    Favorite Books: MAny!