Journal4Jackson's Journal

Dec 2006
5:32 AM PST

Entry for 12/14/06: Woke up at normal time, played for awhile with sister and then ate breakfast. Ate well, played with his food some (had cream of rice, fingerpainted with it on table). Did morning routine and then watched Curious George. Then played at the table and did two puzzles (7-8 pieces) independently and played with blocks, cowboys/indians and then little people. Watched Sesame Street, ate lunch early (ate well). Then left for OT. Came home, went down for nap around 4 and fell asleep within 15 minutes, slept until about 5:30. Played and then went to Costco, had a HUGE meltdown when we left (didn't want to leave the toy area). Came home, tried to clean things up but wouldn't cooperate. Went to bed around 8:20, fell asleep in 30 minutes or so.
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Journal4Jackson's Profile

  • Username: Journal4Jackson
  • Gender / Age: Female, 48
  • Location: USA - California