Journal4Jackson's Journal

Feb 2007
11:25 AM PST

2/10/07-Woke up at normal time. Played independently for about a half hour, had breakfast. Ate well, then cleaned up and brushed teeth and got dressed. Played with Thomas trains on floor in living room, made up a track w/little help. Played w/trains for about 20 minutes. Then played ring around the rosie w/me and Peyton for 5 minutes or so. Played games at the table for 5 minute increments, did a few puzzles w/o assistance and then played with playdough and utensils for 20 minutes. Played another game on the living room floor for about 10 minutes, then cleaned up and played with blocks for 20 minutes or so. Played independently for a half hour and helped me clean (dusted w/swiffer duster). Had lunch, ate everything well. Then played with Dad for the afternoon while I was out. Layed down for rest, didn't sleep. Went to in-laws for dinner. They had a new train table set put up and he played with it pretty much all evening, didn't really eat much dinner. Acted up somewhat (overstimulated I think and Grandpa tends to watch TV really loud). No TV or videos for Jackson today, brushed every 3 hours w/o incident. Went to bed a little past normal (half hour late), fell asleep within 20 minutes.
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Journal4Jackson's Profile

  • Username: Journal4Jackson
  • Gender / Age: Female, 48
  • Location: USA - California