Journal4Jackson's Journal

Feb 2007
12:50 AM PST

2/9/07-Woke up at normal time, played independently for 20 minutes. Ate good breakfast. Took bath, played with shaving cream in the tub. Blew bubbles twice, all by himself (he was VERY excited!). Got dressed, played Candyland on living room floor. Did well for a few turns and then started messing up the game, after two warnings he went in a time out. Came back, took a few more successful turns and we put the game away. Then built lego robots followed by ring around the rosie. Then had freeplay with his sister for about 20 minutes. Watched Sesame Street and Cailiou (1.5 hrs total). Then we did wheelbarrow walkers across the living room and back. Then played games at the table, rotating them at 5 minute intervals (set the timer). He did two 8 piece puzzles sucessfully and then played a game of Memory. Had lunch, ate all his food. Then we played wooden trains on the living room floor for a half hour and then did some heavy work and dragged large floor pillows around the living room for about 5 minutes. Then he went down for nap, didn't sleep but rested (somewhat) for a little over an hour. After nap we played a few more games at the table for 5 minute intervals, one of them I had him pick up plastic teddy bear counters with a pair of wooden tweezers and move them from one box to another. He did 20 or so successfully w/minimal help in the 5 minutes. Then he free played for about 45 minutes and we got ready to go out for the evening. At dinner he was raising his voice and after two warnings I took away the toy he was playing with, he calmed down and he got it back without further issues. Came home, cleaned up and had storytime and then to bed. Fought Dad at bedtime but calmed down after a few minutes, fell asleep within a half hour.
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Journal4Jackson's Profile

  • Username: Journal4Jackson
  • Gender / Age: Female, 48
  • Location: USA - California