Jewels's Journal

Jun 2007
6:47 PM ADT

yeah I havent wrote in along time. Ive had so much to do.

Apr 2007
11:04 PM ADT

Life is Journey, Travel it as long as you can. the trip will only be what you make it. it's worth it.

Nov 2006
10:11 PM ADT

I been doing the same things and family drama in the middel.

Oct 2006
2:33 PM ADT

sometimes I wish it was summer forever. well I like fall to.

Oct 2006
7:08 PM ADT

me and my mom cleand a house. the owner of the house put the radio on and a song got stuck in my head.

Sep 2006
1:17 PM ADT

back to school. what is school like is it fun. im home schooled

Aug 2006
3:54 PM CST

I have noting to say but im doing good in life.

Jewels's Profile

  • Username: Jewels
  • Gender / Age: Female, 32
  • Location: USA
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