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Jane's Journal
Oct 2006
9:46 AM EDT
On Thurdays I had to relocate to another hotel as the one I was staying at was quite close to the race track and the price was going from $49.95 to $ 180.00. My new hotel was about 10 miles south of the track. Not too terrible far away but not really in the best neighborhood. All I have to say is that I would think twice before staying at a Microtel Hotel. It was awful!!! I was afraid to even sleep in the sheets. I took my own sheets, blankets, and pillow and just slept on top of the comforter. Luckly I will be working at the track the next two days so I do not have to spend much time at the hotel. Jane
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Oct 2006
3:08 PM EDT
Today I had my first experience at the Fed Ex Kinkos store. I wanted to try and update my resume just incase I found someone to give it to. It is really a handy place to do computer work and print documents. After that I just went driving around. I went to a little town near Mooresville called Cornelius - it is the cutes place. Really old stle and very quaint. I also went to Davidson which is very similar to Cornelius. In Cornelius I was trying to find the location that Micheal Waltrip is building his new Waltrip Racing World facility - no luck. All of a sudden a wave of sleepiness hit me like a ton of bricks. So I headed back to the hotel. Well back to the hotel took me about 1 1/2 hours. After taking a little cat nap I decided I needed to do something productive. So I went to IHOP to get something to eat. While I was there I decided to check out the want ads - and low and behold there was an ad for catering work at the track this weekend. I went to the place and applied and I will be working on Friday and Saturday. If I can servive the hours it should be fun. I will be doing catering in the private suites at the track. We have to be at work at 10 am and the woman said it could be as late as midnight before we are done. Maybe working at Hartman's wasn't that bad after all. At least I got to take a nap there. Well it should be interesting. I'm happy to have some work. J
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Oct 2006
7:27 PM EDT
Hello, well I am a little behind in my journal. I'm am learning to search out the wifi hotspots in town so I can get an internet connection. Thank goodness Panera Bread has great food. Our racing weekend was just great. Talladega is definately the place to see exciting racing. It is probably one of the best races I've seen at a track. And that is without any big crashes. It really is fun to watch with all the lead changes - and if you watched the race you know at anytime anyone can win!!! I heard on the news hear in Charlotte that the track has offered additional security for Brian Vickers this weekend. After off loading our cheesecake stands, pick up our passes and parking the truck we headed into the race track. The passes that Mitch gave us let us enter the track anywhere we wanted. We watch practice and then stayed for the arca race. That, to my suprise, was also very exciting. After the race we went into the infield to watch the live performance of Trackside. I of course had to make my way to the front of the stage!! But it was Jeff who got on TV. He was on the phone with a friend watching the show and they saw him!! After the show we needed some dinner so we dialed up some guys that Jeff know's from Masonville Cheese. They were camping at a camp ground near us so we headed over there. They were suppose to be making turtle soup - at this point I was soooo hungery I would have eaten stone soup. Well it turns out that they started drinking too soon and the soup never got made. But they did have a camping neighbor give them some Jumbolia (sp?) it was absolutely delicious. The following night after the truck race we hooked up with Jeff who I worked with at ECI. Thankfully he invited us over for steak so we had another nights meal covered. We drove over to his camp sight because it was quite a distance from the track. It is unbelievable how many people come to this track. The camp grounds go on for what seems miles. Sunday morning Jeff Marcon and his family came down to the track so we tailgated with them before the race. We also had another truck that pulled in early Sunday morning so he joined our group. He was what I would call your typical redneck. He had what I call sommer teeth- some are there and some are not!! After the race it was early to bed for my next trip to Charlotte. J
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Oct 2006
3:42 PM EDT
Guess what - I'm back at Panera Bread. Yesterday was mostly a traveling day and settling into a hotel. This morning I got up and went over to Lowe's Motor Speedway to make one last attempt at finding a job for this weekends race. But it doesn't look like it is in the cards for me. To tell you the truth I was a little nervous to just show up and try and find a job. But I worked thru it and the stomach ache I had prior to going was gone when I left. Even though I did not have a job. I hope this cold calling for a job gets easier after I have done it for a while. A good portion of my morning was spend catch up on emails once I got to Panera Bread. I then meet with a couple in Mooresville that have a room for rent in their house. They have a really nice place and seem like real down to earth people. I think it will be a good option for me. Doesn't sound like I have did much but that practically took me the entire day. So now I am back at Panera having a delicious dinner and on the internet again. I'm guessing I will have breakfast a Panera Bread also. Maybe if the NASCAR thing doesn't work out I could do for Panera Bread what Jared did for subway!!! J
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Oct 2006
5:08 AM EDT
Traveling via the interstate is nice because it gets you where you want to go but it does not always offer much to look at. On my way from Tennesee to Alamabma I took a detour around Nashville and was on Highway 50. It was an absolutely beautiful drive. I also go a chance to see some of the local flair. My first stop was at a little grocery/deli store to pick up a few supplied for the weekend. They had so few items on the shelf it made Hartman's Variety look like a super Wal Mart. I asked if they had any fruit - Not this week the lady replied. Then I asked to use the bathroom. When I got to the door it had a large "out of order sign on it". I asked it if was okay to use - she said "yes, we just put that up to keep the unwanteds out". I promptly used the bathroom and got our of there. Jeff and I successfuly made it to the track and got our delivery of carts to the right place. We then registered for our passes and we are off to the races. Have a great day. J
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Oct 2006
5:29 AM EDT
Yesterday was a pretty relaxing day. Kim and I got up in the morning and went for a walk in the woods. Part of our walk included going up the neighbors driveway. Their neighbor Bruce owned the house that Tim and Kim now live in and he is building a new house. So we stopped to say hi to him. Well that quick hello lead into an hour tour of his new house (which is about 1/2 done). We saw every last room and he explained every last detail of what he was going to do with the house. He was a very nice guy so the tour was enjoyable. He commented that he had been to Wisconsin once. He thought that we drank alot of beer in Wisconsin!!! Imagine that. In the evening we went to Kim's church to serve dinner to the church's youth group. It is called The Secret Service. The kids meet every Wed @ 5pm and they go do a service for someone in the community. They do not know what work they will be doing and usually the recipient does not know either. Last night they went to do some yard work for a lady who's husband died last year and is really struggling right now. After dinner we attended the a prayer service and then a bible study. I'm still trying to process the info I heard - it's been a very long time since I attended a bible study!!! Enjoy your day. Jane
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Oct 2006
8:37 AM EDT
Well, thank you for visiting my journal. The first two entries were just for practice. Today I am in Camden TN. I will be resting here for 2 days until I reach my final desitnation for the weekend which is Talladega, AL. My trip was pretty uneventful. I made my way safely to Milwaukee on Monday night. Had a great dinner and visit with Koreen & Steve. After breakfast with Anthony and Steve I hit the highway about 8:30 am. I was able to follow the interstate all the way to Kentucky. It was just after Paducah that I had to exit. Things got a little tricky then but I finally found my way to Hwy 641 which brought me right into Camden, TN. Tim and Kim have moved and directions to their house were quite tricky to she told me to meet her at Lynch's market on Hwy 461. Well, I completely drive right by it and she sees me do that so she takes after me. After a very gutsy pass on the highway I see her in front of me and recognize her personalized plates. I got here about 7pm - thats a long day. I'm very proud of myself though, only had to stop and take one nap. J
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Sep 2006
5:18 AM EDT
Yesterday was a very productive day at the store. We are really trying to kick the heat and eat meals idea into high gear. I have made all the lables for the products. It can be a grueling task when you have to put every last ingredient on the package. Do you know how much ???? is in just chicken bullion?
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Sep 2006
11:06 AM EDT
Had a great day at the pumpkin patch today. Spending the day with a group of 5 year olds can be an eye opening experience. Once I got over the snotty noses I was much better. All in all a good time was everyone.
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Female, 58
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