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Jane's Journal
Oct 2006
7:27 PM EDT
Hello, well I am a little behind in my journal. I'm am learning to search out the wifi hotspots in town so I can get an internet connection. Thank goodness Panera Bread has great food. Our racing weekend was just great. Talladega is definately the place to see exciting racing. It is probably one of the best races I've seen at a track. And that is without any big crashes. It really is fun to watch with all the lead changes - and if you watched the race you know at anytime anyone can win!!! I heard on the news hear in Charlotte that the track has offered additional security for Brian Vickers this weekend. After off loading our cheesecake stands, pick up our passes and parking the truck we headed into the race track. The passes that Mitch gave us let us enter the track anywhere we wanted. We watch practice and then stayed for the arca race. That, to my suprise, was also very exciting. After the race we went into the infield to watch the live performance of Trackside. I of course had to make my way to the front of the stage!! But it was Jeff who got on TV. He was on the phone with a friend watching the show and they saw him!! After the show we needed some dinner so we dialed up some guys that Jeff know's from Masonville Cheese. They were camping at a camp ground near us so we headed over there. They were suppose to be making turtle soup - at this point I was soooo hungery I would have eaten stone soup. Well it turns out that they started drinking too soon and the soup never got made. But they did have a camping neighbor give them some Jumbolia (sp?) it was absolutely delicious. The following night after the truck race we hooked up with Jeff who I worked with at ECI. Thankfully he invited us over for steak so we had another nights meal covered. We drove over to his camp sight because it was quite a distance from the track. It is unbelievable how many people come to this track. The camp grounds go on for what seems miles. Sunday morning Jeff Marcon and his family came down to the track so we tailgated with them before the race. We also had another truck that pulled in early Sunday morning so he joined our group. He was what I would call your typical redneck. He had what I call sommer teeth- some are there and some are not!! After the race it was early to bed for my next trip to Charlotte. J
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Female, 58
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