Jane's Journal

Oct 2006
8:37 AM EDT

Well, thank you for visiting my journal. The first two entries were just for practice. Today I am in Camden TN. I will be resting here for 2 days until I reach my final desitnation for the weekend which is Talladega, AL. My trip was pretty uneventful. I made my way safely to Milwaukee on Monday night. Had a great dinner and visit with Koreen & Steve. After breakfast with Anthony and Steve I hit the highway about 8:30 am. I was able to follow the interstate all the way to Kentucky. It was just after Paducah that I had to exit. Things got a little tricky then but I finally found my way to Hwy 641 which brought me right into Camden, TN. Tim and Kim have moved and directions to their house were quite tricky to she told me to meet her at Lynch's market on Hwy 461. Well, I completely drive right by it and she sees me do that so she takes after me. After a very gutsy pass on the highway I see her in front of me and recognize her personalized plates. I got here about 7pm - thats a long day. I'm very proud of myself though, only had to stop and take one nap. J

Jane's Profile

  • Username: Jane
  • Gender / Age: Female, 58
  • Location: USA
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