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Holly's Journal
May 2007
11:19 AM EDT
I walked to that doc's office but it was being renovated. He must have retired or moved. I did find a doctor. I looked up my friend Michele from high school. She has a family practice in Modena. I have an appointment with her May 30th. We haven't been in touch for years. I'm nervous. She has done so much with her life and I really haven't done much with mine. But I am a good person so I guess that counts for something.
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May 2007
8:25 AM EDT
*yawn* I was up until 4:30 AM. I couldn't sleep because of the pain. My sister called at 11AM and woke me up. But that's ok cuz it was good to talk to Tammy. Her back is a little better. Today I am going to walk to a doctor's office. I went on WebMD and found the doctor I used to see when I was a teenager. He is very good. I am going there because his phone is out of order. I hope it is not a wasted trip.
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- 09:53 AM - 05/23/2007
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May 2007
10:34 AM EDT
Ok people, start writing to me :)
I did the open mic last night. It went ok except I forgot the words to one of the songs. I just made a joke out of it. I thought of something cool right before I went up. I said, "If you saw off a 44 shotgun, do you get a 22? That's redneck math."
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- 09:01 AM - 05/22/2007
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May 2007
3:58 AM EDT
Ohhhh, my tummy!!! Tumeric SUCKS!!! I'm going to get George for this! "Take Tumeric," he says. "it's great for pain," he says. Now I feel like an alien is ripping out my guts!! Thanks a lot.
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May 2007
8:12 AM EDT
Tomorrow night I am performing at an open mic. I'll probably do 5 or 6 songs. I haven't chosen which ones yet. I have to do some serious practicing today because I have all these new songs that I wrote that aren't quite ready. I have another open mic Monday night. It feels so good to perform. It is actually like a high for me. I have been singing in public since I was 3 years old.
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May 2007
11:45 AM EDT
Ok, I picked out my songs for the open mic. I'm doing Dr. Pain (about the dentist), Whack on the Head (about my concussion), Hey Lucky (about my cat), Babus (about my other cat), and 2 songs on piano which aren't titled yet. I'll probably just make up off the wall titles right before I play them.
I did a painting last night while George was here. He was a little tipsy on beer so he didn't mind watching me paint. The painting is small (9x12). It is of a guitar underwater with sea plants growing around it. Once I hang it my guitar wall will be complete.
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May 2007
9:31 PM EDT
George came over for several hours. Pat was working on a sewing project for me and I didn't want to bother her. I ended up waiting on her because she kept asking for stuff (coffee, tea, popcorn). George tracked in dirt all over the house. After he left at 12:30AM I had to vacuum. If it was up to me I would have left it until tomorrow. ButPat is a neat freak. George was drinking beer the whole time he was here. I hate beer. I had to open the door to get the smell out of the place. Oh and the Tumeric that he insisted on buying for me costs $10 a bottle. So now I owe him $. You know, I didn't ask for what Pat was making. It was her idea to help organize my room. And I didn't ask for the Tumeric. It was George's idea to help with the pain. I wish people would stop trying to help me! Ugh!!!
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May 2007
5:12 AM EDT
My plants perked up a little bit. I finished painting my cieling. It looks great. These things make me feel better when the pain hits. Which is just about all the time.
But it's ok. I am with someone who loves me, even though we drive each other crazy.
George (my gay best friend) is coming over today with some herbs. He keeps raving about Tumeric being good for pain.
My sister is in an aweful lot of pain too. She has a herniated disk in her back. She has pretty much been in bed for the past three weeks. At least I am able to do stuff.
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- 10:43 AM - 05/16/2007
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May 2007
4:13 PM EDT
I finally planted my garden. I am worried about the little plants. I think I let them sit in their containers too long. They look pathetic. But hopefully they will get better with some TLC.
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May 2007
9:32 AM EDT
The pain is worse. I am not able to do nearly as much as I used to. I am afraid of becoming an invalid. I think I am going to a free clinic in Boston to get diagnosed. My friend with MS highly recommends this place. Meanwhile my friend George is an herbologist. I am willing to try these herbs. Maybe they will help.
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May 2007
4:13 PM EDT
I had a happy Mother's day. Becca gave me two plants for my new garden. I was so exhausted today that I didn't plant them. Maybe tomorrow.
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May 2007
9:23 AM EDT
I have to finish painting the cieling in my room. Blargh! I thought it was going to be fun. But NO! It'll look so nice when it's done. I painted a Van Gogh-ish sun around the two lightbulbs. The sky around it is baby blue. I am going to let my daughter paint white clouds in the sky with a sponge. I really need to get it done today because the contents of my room are in the living room. I had to take my artwork ( yes I painted it) down from the walls. It is piled up on the sofa.Pat, my honey, is being nice about it.
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May 2007
4:56 AM EDT
I took my turtle, Marty, to the vet yesterday. It cost me 60 bucks but he's worth it. I also live with 2 cats and 4 fish. I believe if you take care of animals they will take care of you.
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- 09:42 AM - 05/10/2007
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May 2007
10:31 AM EDT
Well I am trying to make a lasagna for my friend because she is coming over to Reiki me (it is a form of massage). Hopefully it will help with the pain. Right now the lasagna is pathetic. I forgot to buy the meat and was too tired to go back in and buy it. I thought I had noodles at home but I only had three. I don't have the time or money to walk a mile to the store (no car - long story). Oh well. She is a sweetie and will understand.
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May 2007
7:58 AM EDT
The brunch with my friends went great. I restrung my guitar last night with a different kind of strings than I usually use. They were worth the extra money because it sounds sooo much better. I walked a lot yesterday so I'm a little sore today. But at least I am in a good mood. I have to call a new doc to get a second opinion. The first one said it's not Lyme's because I had a negative blood test. But I think it is Lyme's. I'll see what this new doc says.
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- 08:36 AM - 05/08/2007
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May 2007
6:28 PM EDT
I spent the afternoon eating, walking,and laughing with friends. I am not in as much pain when I laugh.
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- 08:47 AM - 05/07/2007
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Holly's Profile
Gender / Age:
Female, 53
USA - New York
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HOLLY's Interests:
About Me:
ecclectic eccentric
guitar, songwriting, singing, painting art, reading, gardening, creative writing, hanging out with my 12 year-old daughter
Favorite Music:
absolutely anything
Favorite Movies:
Finding Nemo, Rat Race, Mary Poppins
Favorite Television:
I don't watch tv
Favorite Books:
fantasy, science fiction, and artist biographies
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