CrazyPrincess26's Journal

Dec 2006
5:25 PM EDT

Been busy latelty. Really dont get on here as much......

Aug 2006
1:53 PM EDT

Today I went to fish camp for highschool! My bro went with me. I was suppose to go around the school with my group, but instead I went with my bro and his friend. He knows everyone! & I mean everyone!! Like all the guys and girls!! It was actually ok there...well that pretty much I have done so far... Highschool is gonna be great it maybe different, but I think I am gonna like it better than middle school. Yes i am goin to miss it there! And my friends too, but I will see them again hopefully... sorry about not repostin i so totally forgot about it cause i have myspace... its go ahead and add me...if u want to know more about me.. well later!!

CrazyPrincess26's Profile

  • Username: CrazyPrincess26
  • Gender / Age: Female, 34
  • Location: USA
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