Charlie's Journal

Oct 2007
5:51 PM EDT

I eny every single person in the world that is happy. Weather they are rich, poor, sucessful, unsucessful, tall, short, fat, thin, white, black, american, french, I don't care I eny them all. I am jealous that every one around me knows how to laugh and smile. I am jealous of everyone that can sleep at night and wake in the morning. I am jealous of them all. Today my dad told me that happiness is (in a sense) almost "unreachable." That as you get older it gets harder and harder to come by. That when you grow up things start to control your life for you and those "things" create your happiness. Well if that is the truth that what in the hell is the point of living? From all of this I have learned a very valuable lesson a very hard way... I have learned what happiness is. I have learned that it isNOT bigger, better, farther, recongized, sucessful, rich, old, wise, beautiful.. Nohappeness is none of those things. Happiness is the fall leaves you see when you look outyour OWN back window, when you sleep in yourOWN bed, whenu laugh without trying and smile because you want to. Happiness is those friendsin the pictures that you stare at forever, it is the smell of homecooked food in the oven, its thehug thatholdsu tight andnever lets go, and its the kiss that makesyou feel special forever, Happiness is not hard, it is not jealous, and it does not eny... Happiness is unreachable.

1 comment(s) - 05:59 PM - 10/09/2007

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  • Username: Charlie
  • Gender / Age: Female, 37
  • Location: USA - Pennsylvania
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    About Me: My name is Charlie and I am 19 years old. I attend college in Ohio (which I really hate) and I am in the process of trying to transfer back home to Penn State.