Charlie's Journal

Sep 2007
8:02 PM EDT

Its sad that late at night when I need sleep more than anything, I don't want to hang up the phone and when i fianlly do say good-bye i lay there for hours hoping that you'll still call me back. Its sad that those late night conversations are practically keeping me alive and for you there just another phone call that you have to make. Its sad that i now undertand and realize that i have to move from the passenger seat of the van clear to the back... and i don't even have a seat belt to secure my seat. Its sad that waiting has become my biggest worry,its sad that motivation has becomemy biggest loss,and its even more sad that i have become my own biggestworst enemy. Its not thewaiting that keeps me up, or the hopes of my favorite ring, or the slambing of the doors, or the voices in the air... its not even you that makes my eyes wide and mind run wild. Its me. My own thoughts of time. "Time is of the essence" they always say, and to some that may be true...hell even to me at one point in my life it was true, but now i hate time.I hate this waitingroom that i am stuck in and i wish it wasdemolished! I hate that you have none of it for me and plenty of it for, friends, (fuckin videogames to say the least,)"more important"phone calls, alcohol, driving,reading, homework, studying, working, eating, sleeping, movies,family, and belive me the list goes on. And yes i do believe that some of those things need more time spent on them than i do...and I undertand that. but you will never understand why i complain and hate time untill you try to understand me.
1 comment(s) - 03:34 PM - 09/25/2007

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  • Username: Charlie
  • Gender / Age: Female, 37
  • Location: USA - Pennsylvania
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    About Me: My name is Charlie and I am 19 years old. I attend college in Ohio (which I really hate) and I am in the process of trying to transfer back home to Penn State.