Ashli's Journal

Dec 2006
11:03 PM EDT

i fel like killin my self!!!!!!no one leaves me alone my family sucks in order to say anything on here i have to wait until late when everyone is asleep...i hate this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i almost started cutting myself yesterday but thats not something that i really want to do...i know that its bad and that i shouldnt do it but the razor looks more and more like my best friend every day...

Dec 2006
10:54 PM EDT

All of the kids in school are making fun of me for being bisexual...i hate it...i told one person the one person that i thought that i could trust but they ruined my life no one wil leave me alone....the first day that i found out that everybody knew i ran to the nurses ofice and pretended to be sick and my dad wouldnt let me go home...he refused to let me go i was stuck at i found a life threatening letter in my locker...then i found one in my desks...i dont know what to do

Sep 2006
10:49 PM EDT

today was my 15 birthday but it was the worst day in my life!!!!! My dad yelled at me all day and my sister was mean to me all day and my mom was in another country and my dads fiance wouldnt listen to a word i was saying!!!!!!!!!!!we have this trdition where my sister makes me breakfast in bed and my mom takes me out lunch and my dad takes me out to dinner...for breakfast i got burnt toast thats it for lunch i got pizza and for dinner i got taco sucked... i dont care about presents but i normally get like maybe 20 or 30 this year i got 5 which i dont really care but they didnt even make the effort to wrp the presents at all...they just pulledit out of the closet and handed it to me!!! they sent me to bed at 7 and ever since i laid down ive been ballin...when everyone else was asleep i got up to write this...I hate my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sep 2006
11:34 PM EDT

What is love? Is it only between a male and female? Can there different variations of it? Love is when you truly care for someone and they truly care for you. So what does it matter if both people are of the same gender? What does it matter if one person is 10 years older than the other or they are of different races? Im bisexual and when peole find out they no longer want to have anything todo with me. As if i have kind of disease that if they look at me they will either die or worse become gay or lesbian. My best friend is black and there is not a single white guy who will even come close to trying to get to know her. They are so adamently against it that they dont like to look at her. She is one of the most beautiful girls in our school but because she is black they dont even want to be her friend. My cousin is 18 and she just graduated. She is already in college and found somebdy that she loved. The only thing that makes it wrong in mst peoples eyes is that he is her english professor and he is like in his mid 30s. So what who cares. She talked to him about how she feels and he didnt mind in fact he felt that he loved her also. But when people found out he was fired and she was kicked out of the school. Theres no difference in any of these stories they deal with peole being fucking prejudice!!! What the fuck is wrong with any of these people being together? I have tried to ask people why they think it is wrong and the only thing that they can come up with is, "Well um because its ewww..thats all i just think that its gross." That is basically what they all say!!! Im going to end this here because if i dont this could go on forever... What is love? WHEN TWO PEOPLE CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER!! Is it only between a male and a female? NO!! Can there be different variations of it? YES!!
1 comment(s) - 12:38 PM - 01/03/2007

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Ashli's Profile

  • Username: Ashli
  • Gender / Age: Female, 34
  • Location: USA - California
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    ASHLI's Interests:

    About Me: Confused about who i am and about what i should do with my life. I am bisexual and i know that i am. I love cats. lol kinda random huh... i like to read... and i am in a realtionship at the moment with this great girl named Stphanie.

    Interests: Books Music(just about any kind) walkin on the beach taking time out of my busy schedule for myself to reflect on who i know i am and who i think i am and i want to be...

    Favorite Music: just about any thing

    Favorite Movies: anything

    Favorite Television: dont watch it much

    Favorite Books: im picky so ill know if i like the book after reading the first paragraph...