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Ashli's Journal
Apr 2007
3:56 PM EDT
So i really really like this guy named Alex but i was asked out to the prom by this guy named David and i only like him as a friend and nothing more...but i dont think that Alex likes me so im kinda sad... :( :{
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Mar 2007
9:26 PM EDT
did you ever feel like you loved someone that was just a friend before...and i mean like just a friend like you never thought of them like that...and then all of a sudden one day you realize that you love them?...its weird we were friends yesterday and today i love him like theres no tomorrow...
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Mar 2007
1:09 PM EDT
so im sick and my throat hurts and i want to rip out my throat...lol...oh my sixteenth birthday is coming up in 6 monthes and i like to plan ahead and so im planning my bday and it is going to be so much fun and it is going to a luau theme... :) lol fun ok ttyl
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- 08:20 PM - 03/22/2007
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Mar 2007
11:17 PM EDT
So tonite i performed in front of tons and tons of people!!! i was so so so nervous that i was shaking the entire time!!! i sang "theme from mahogany" or "do you know where youre going to?" by diana ross...its a really pretty song and i really like it and i plan to post up a video somehow with my singing so if you like it then when i post it then please tell me... :)
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Feb 2007
10:46 AM EDT
hey every 1 remember wen i told u about stephanie and how nothing really happened with that...well aparrently it was just miscomunication on both sides cause i thought she didnt want to talk ans she thought that i didnt want to talk...so we talked and now we are going to try this again and i really think that this time it will work out alot better...im so happy... :)
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Jan 2007
11:12 AM EDT
hey all i prolly wont be able to post ne thin for a while cause my computer is being a pain...so kisses and hugs
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Jan 2007
10:01 AM EDT
Things are just falling apart...I dont really know what happened but it is...Stephanie and i have just grown apart...and its sad cause yesterday her and i were in a school play called The Laramie Project...and before the show she looked so bad cause she was so sick and her friend Lily was putting a wet rag on her face and neck and you could tell that because she was there that Steph felt better...and i just felt alone and unneeded cause no matter what i did it didnt help and i was so worried about her...so i dont think that our relationship will last much longer...
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Jan 2007
3:59 PM EDT
hi all...how is everybody? ummm well nothing great has happened same old same old for me...same shit different day...
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Jan 2007
3:48 PM EDT
hey the last few days have been ruff...i dont know wuts wrong with me i just feel really depressed and i cant tell you how many times i have had the horrible thoughts of killing myself...i talk myself out of it but then a little bit later i feel horrible again and i dont know why i just dont know anything...
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- 09:18 AM - 01/18/2007
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Jan 2007
12:02 PM EDT
Hey all i havent posted anything for a while so alot has happened...well um i am now officially living with my mom and if i dont want to i dont ever have to see my dad again not that he even wants to look at me ever again...ummm i saw my girlfriend on new years and i was so happy to see her i had really missed her...she is doing better now and i hope that it continues like that...i felt so bad when there was nothing i could do to make her smile...i love to see her smile it really makes me happy because i feel like i really accomplished something really really good for both her and me...anyway um school starts again on the 8th and im not too thrilled about that...ummmmmmmm im not quite sure what else to right for right now so if i think of anything more ill log back on and tell all of you so i hope everyone had a very merry christmas and a very happy new year talk to you guys later...
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Dec 2006
9:05 AM EDT
i have no clue what i did wrong but i have been diowned by my father...my sister told him that i am bisexual and that i haave a girlfriend and he called me horrible things and yelled at me and called me disgusting and he wanted my girfriends number so that he could talk to her and her parents who also dont know that she is bisexual...i refused to give it to him and he slapped me and he pulled me off my bed told me to grab my stuff and walk to my moms house...im confused and scared but now i live with my mom who understands me and cares about me...
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- 04:18 PM - 01/12/2007
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Dec 2006
1:30 PM EDT
What do I expect of others? this is the little saying that this site has everyday...i mean they have a new one everyday and this is the one for today...this is my answer... I expect people to be polite and i expect them to treat others with kindness and i expect people to treat others they want to be treat and nobody wants to be treated like shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Dec 2006
1:26 PM EDT
I hate the people in my school they are the rudest shits in the world!!! You see i made two cakes for 2 parties at school and nobody ate any so i took them to my last period class and sure they wanted cake but they just took it and then afterwards they took my pans and put gum and shit in them...i am so mad and sad and so frustrated i just want to kill all of them...im so mad i cant stop crying and im just so mad...
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Dec 2006
3:33 PM EDT
Stephanie...my girlfriend...told her best frined our secret and she thought that she could trust this person...but her frined told her mom who told my frineds mom who told my frined and now Stephanie is afriad that her mom is going to find out and then tell my parents...both of our parents...excuding my mom...do not agree with homosexuality or bisexuality...whatever they just dont like it so today she was really mad and sad and scared and i felt horrible cause there was nothing that i could say that would help she kept saying that she wanted to b left alone but i wanted to comfort her...so today was kinda hard
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Dec 2006
4:39 PM EDT
Today i gave my girlfriend her present and she loved it...she immediatly put on the necklace and earrings and i was so happy that she liked it! well thats all i really have to write for today bye bye...
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Dec 2006
2:27 PM EDT
Ive been writing this story. I plan on making it a book when it is finished. Im not exactly sure where i am going with the story but everyday i come up with something new and i go from there. I went onto photobucket for picture of anime to use as my characters or something thats like them. I like to write cause t helps me concentrate and it makes me feel better. i feel relaxed and calm when i write. My friends say that my story is very interesting and they really lke it so that makes me happy. Later on i might post parts of my story on here so if someone wants to read it they can.
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- 10:48 PM - 12/17/2006
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Dec 2006
10:35 PM EDT
I got my girlfriend a christmas present and im really scared that she wont like it...i hope that she likes it...its a really pretty pair os earrings and a matching necklace...
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Dec 2006
10:58 PM EDT
im not going to change schools because im in love with someone that loves me back...ive always liked her but i never thought that she liked girls so i never said anything...but her friend told me that she wanted to go out with me and so now i am willing to endure whateve comes next with her...
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Dec 2006
10:39 PM EDT
there is someone in my school who likes me but i dont know who... no one will tell me...they say that i have to promise to go out with that person...im fine with that but i want to know who it is...lol its driving me crazy...
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Dec 2006
10:55 PM EDT
im still being made fun of...the teachers are looking at me like i killed someone...my mom says that the only way to get away from all of this is to change schools but i dont really want to do that...
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Ashli's Profile
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Female, 34
USA - California
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ASHLI's Interests:
About Me:
Confused about who i am and about what i should do with my life. I am bisexual and i know that i am. I love cats. lol kinda random huh... i like to read... and i am in a realtionship at the moment with this great girl named Stphanie.
Books Music(just about any kind) walkin on the beach taking time out of my busy schedule for myself to reflect on who i know i am and who i think i am and i want to be...
Favorite Music:
just about any thing
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dont watch it much
Favorite Books:
im picky so ill know if i like the book after reading the first paragraph...
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