Alvin's Journal

Apr 2008
8:16 AM EDT

After getting worst day by The Starting Of A New Age..

Today is a hard day for three of us..All bcoz of sum ridiculous misunderstandin..
One of us chose to walk the other direction..we tried to hold..but it's still her choice..
I care as much as u both do...
I luv u both..The breaking of us, it could a beginning of a new age..
I am Alvin Siow.
hope dat our friendship will everlasting..i luv u both...

All we can do is hope dat we will remain as happy as the old days..

Alvin's Profile

  • Username: Alvin
  • Gender / Age: Male, 34
  • Location: Malaysia
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    ALVIN's Interests:

    About Me: Born in Manhattan, currently studying in Malaysia.. Age 17.. A day dreamer..^^tQ for viewing...hav a nice

    Interests: a peaceful life~^