99tracy99's Journal

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1 comment(s) - 12:17 PM - 06/26/2012

Dec 2008
9:40 PM AWST

can't got a full time job yet , but i still have some chance to train myself for sth i like , i don't think if i can get a job for the time being but if the situation cannot change in some way I still need to find it, although it's hard to find now

Jun 2008
5:29 AM AWST

Really want to have a job , part time isn't get a lot of money . I also want a part time job , it's hard to find jobs in this moment , I dunno why ppl don't want to have a new staff with some experience , a form 5 student is better than me ? ?????

Aug 2007
1:13 AM AWST

It's good for me to have a staff like you you are very smart ,also you are very handsome , but i know ehat i need , it's ok if there is a chance to know you , anyway it's like a dream I like it and do not want to wake up

Mar 2007
10:22 PM AWST

for me this time is not a good time for me finding jobs...not sucess. having jobs....really not happy...just want to get out and take a breathe and have a good time to love myself or just go to bookshop the take a book to scan or just take a lookfor some interesting things.

Feb 2007
4:40 AM AWST

It's really a though time for me maybe there should be a better solvent for me now... I am ok now after my cat's death. It's the best time for me to come out to yell. 'Every day is a nice day.' it's sooooo good for me now I am really satisfied for that but i can't missed out the cat till I die it's also the worst time in my mind rather than i broke up with my bf really? it's true. i really trust for it.

Dec 2006
11:27 PM AWST

^^ A little bit surprise for me for I can hv some interview oppportunity Although all the job are fail~~~ But it's good for me so that I can know more about about the industrial area in hong kong Ok the points are just write to here the day here are SHINNY these days.... Such A warm december but acctually the weather are hot I don't need to wear long sleeve t-shirt but I can't confirm wether it's good /not b/c in my mind if this year end are hot then in february (lunar new teay in china) it may be very cold ............................................ snow never arrive but it's hard to buy cloths... blazar always don't need to wear...making me very depressed anyway,Sunshine should be good,isn't it?

Nov 2006
7:29 PM AWST

... ok I think I aill accept your coment cos I need to find ajob. And the job nearly need me to type english in 40 wpm. Chinese maybe 30 or more so because the job nature I need to type accurate and fast ..... It's harsh for me to type chinese in 30 wpm but anyway I will try but english in 40 wpm? I can't believe I can~~~~

Nov 2006
9:32 PM AWST

唉... 都幾搞笑...有人睇到我個blog 同我講:可唔可以打英文~~~ 唉...我打英文你都睇唔明啦 總之﹐有時間先打啦~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It come to me maybe a little bit mess up because I saw a guy calling me to type in English~~~ As you find out the blog in hong kong or China . (Especially in Hong KOng, bloggers loves to type some english (But actually is WRONG in grammar or just straight forward copy from their 'mother tongue'-- Cantonese) Anyway your comment ..... I need to think twice .

Nov 2006
10:11 PM AWST

唉冇哂心機 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 第時我會po d special d d野
1 comment(s) - 09:02 AM - 11/17/2006

Nov 2006
10:11 PM AWST




我都唔明點解咁多女仔走埋佢度, 我知,

佢好靚仔, 但係我會問:點解唔可以做得正經少少?



Nov 2006
4:22 AM AWST

..... 有時間先update~~ 希望有時間可以~~~~~ 唔~~~算啦~~~ 見到我update 先問啦~~

Nov 2006
7:34 PM AWST

...終於有得上 anyway 睇完亞姐,ok 啦 唔~~~

Oct 2006
4:37 AM AWST

唉... 今晚有亞姐~~~+ 一舉成名 ~~~睇左邊個 自己估啦

Oct 2006
4:37 AM AWST



佢好靚仔, 風流倜儻, 眼神超殺死人, 夠正氣


Oct 2006
8:50 PM AWST

唉...冇眼睇 希望下次好少少 唔使我咁頭痛 點算好?唔.... 算啦 就算做左都冇用 搵野做啦 上晝就要搵工做 下晝就要返馬會... 點算呀.... 冇$$

Oct 2006
3:55 AM AWST

慘~~ 講錯 睇怕要收番 拿~~~ 我認我會咁講 不過我唔敢包個result 會點

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99tracy99's Profile

  • Username: 99tracy99
  • Gender / Age: Female, 41
  • Location: Hong Kong SAR