99tracy99's Journal
Dec 2006
11:27 PM AWST
^^ A little bit surprise for me for I can hv some interview oppportunity Although all the job are fail~~~ But it's good for me so that I can know more about about the industrial area in hong kong Ok the points are just write to here the day here are SHINNY these days.... Such A warm december but acctually the weather are hot I don't need to wear long sleeve t-shirt but I can't confirm wether it's good /not b/c in my mind if this year end are hot then in february (lunar new teay in china) it may be very cold ............................................ snow never arrive but it's hard to buy cloths... blazar always don't need to wear...making me very depressed anyway,Sunshine should be good,isn't it?
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Female, 41
Hong Kong SAR
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