99tracy99's Journal

Nov 2006
9:32 PM AWST

唉... 都幾搞笑...有人睇到我個blog 同我講:可唔可以打英文~~~ 唉...我打英文你都睇唔明啦 總之﹐有時間先打啦~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It come to me maybe a little bit mess up because I saw a guy calling me to type in English~~~ As you find out the blog in hong kong or China . (Especially in Hong KOng, bloggers loves to type some english (But actually is WRONG in grammar or just straight forward copy from their 'mother tongue'-- Cantonese) Anyway your comment ..... I need to think twice .

99tracy99's Profile

  • Username: 99tracy99
  • Gender / Age: Female, 41
  • Location: Hong Kong SAR