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    RonPrice  79, Male, Canada - 60 entries
Feb 2012
4:22 AM AEST


Each episode of the most popular television series in the world - according to articles in The New Yorker and BBC online1- begins where many stories end, at the death of the central character. Before the opening credits roll, the primary piece of evidence, this character’s body, appears lifeless and silent. Soon enough, however, the crime scene investigator, the CSI, begins his chief task; he must get this body to speak. He will, within an hour’s time, divine a true tale. And, in the retrospective portrait that emerges, the CSI confirms his mastery of the tools of truth telling and his ability to impose these tools on the world around him, whatever the circumstances.

I watched a few of the CSI: Miami episodes after they began to be released on my birthday, 23/7/’03, at the age of 59, here in northern Tasmania where the Tamar River meets the sea. �I had taken an early retirement after a 40 year working life, was the secretary of the small Baha’i Group of George Town Tasmania, and had begun to write full-time.-Ron Price with thanks to 1Wikipedia: 2009-2011; 2"Dead Men Do Tell Tales:” CSI: Miami and the Case Against Narrative, Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture, Spring 2009, Volume 8, Issue 1.

Since I took a sea-change in 1999

I’ve been watching more who-dun-

its than ever before, some with my

wife and some by myself. Today I

came across a study of CSI: Miami at

an online journal that I have taken an

interest in, one of those free journals

that are available on the world-wide

web which enrich my years in these

evening--times of my late adulthood

which some of the psychologists of

human development call these years

of 60 to 80 in the average lifespan.

Little gregarious chatter as each

episode unfolds weekly with its

faith in science and technology.

I watched a few programs when

CSI: Miamifirst came out & now

only when I am too tired to write.

The series has been voted the most

popular in the world perhaps, partly,

because of its propensity for a high

tech and its wordlessness: no juries,

no lawyers, just pretty people as well

as some, a lot, of instrumentation and

scientific methodology to provide the

view that science will save us if we can

just develop it to suit our social needs!!

Ron Price

25 January 2012

Matches: 1