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You searched for: Tag: networkarchitect
    krish20  39, Male, New York, USA - 37 entries
Sep 2020
8:24 AM IST

freelance network architect

The Network Architects play a prominent role in the installing of routers, modems, and any other hardware and software upgrading that are essential for the communication networks to function properly. The professionals plan and execute the layout of cables and other required components for network systems. The technician maintains and troubleshoots network systems and resolves and rectifies if any issues occur.

The professionals are responsible for solution design and business development. They offer technical guidance on networking solutions, product plans and roadmaps. The computer network architects create and design relevant solutions keeping in mind the client’s environment. It is their responsibility to develop and deliver the professional proposals and design documentation. The professional has to manage the information security within the network structure through passwords or user permissions.

The first and foremost duty is to build the networks by taking into consideration various factors like, bandwidth requirements, infrastructure requirements and security. They must plan and design in advance and should often participate in the implementation of network designs.

More info @� �freelance network architect

1 comment(s) - 07:09 AM - 01/13/2022

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