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    jason09  34, Male, United Arab Emirates - 38 entries
Sep 2021
2:55 AM PKT

Getting ready for a massage

As we all know, deep tissue massage is related to relieving the pain from the chronic muscles, the muscle and skeleton pain along with strains and sport injuries. Now, before you book a session for deep tissue massage,here are some of the things that you need to keep in mind.
  • Drink water: This seems like it is very obvious but it�€™s not. Most of the people overlook the water drinking part and do not stay hydrated. Why is it so necessary before getting the massage? Well as we all know, deep tissue massage helps flush out all of the waste and also delivers oxygen to the body. If water would be in a reasonable amount only then it would help your body flush out the toxins in a very quick and efficient amount. Also not to forget, water increases flexibility in muscles that helps the masseuse break the knots without causing much pain.
  • Wear comfortable clothes: Comfort aside, wearing comfortable clothes help the masseuse to break the knots easily. Locate the tensions in the muscle, help relieve your body more efficiently. Not only that, but during a massage the circulation of oxygenated blood in your body increases. Wearing tight clothes would cause problems for the toxins being flushed out and would also hinder the circulation of blood.
  • Shower: This is one of the most important steps before visiting the masasue. Taking a warm or semi hot bath before going for a massage as that would relax your nerves and would help with your anxiety. Not to mention the shower would help you relax even further which would reduce any other discomfort you might encounter while the massage.
  • Plan: Have a plan in your mind. Either mark the areas of your body that hurts or list it down on a piece of paper or somewhere else. Telling the masasue, the place where your muscles or joints hurt would help him focus on that area more and thus providing complete benefits.
Note: If you have osteoporosis or any such diseases or cancer then it might not be a good idea to get a massage as the slightest pressure can cause the bone to fracture. Visit a doctor before visiting a masseuse. Deep tissue massage is a vast topic and if you are interested, then get more infohere.

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