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    Leila  56, Female, Oregon, USA - 2 entries
Nov 2015
8:40 PM PDT

Why I Chose

I started keeping a journal in high school as a class requirement and liked it so much I have continued it almost daily since then. I have come to veiw writting as a friend...a place to go when there is nowhere else to go...a place where I can make my case when in the real world I am only blown off.� Sometimes I have reread�entries and have been surprized and impressed.��I've had an astrologer tell me I'm�passionate and intellegent, but I live inside my head.� That is definately the truth and it's painfull.� I was told I had no fire signs on my chart and therefore it was my lifes work to develope�not just think and feel but to act on my ideas and passions and materialize them, to share them with the rest of the world.� I feel like I've been trying�to do that my whole life and�haven't figured out how.� I've�thought I do pretty good at writting and wished I could get published.� I've heard of blogs and considered starting a blog...but I wasn't sure what kind of blog.� That is the reason I chose this journaling sight...I can post a public journal and see where it goes.�
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