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    oxdreamerxo  32, Female, Canada - 5 entries
Apr 2008
9:46 PM EDT

Me and My Girls! Today was sooooooo much fun. Today I went to school, did my normal duty of working, and then after school, my friends Megan, Stephanie, Kaho and I went to the mall for 4 hours. It was a lot of fun. Then, Yunhee found us and we hung out in the food court for 1.5 hours and just talked. When 7:30pm came around, we all headed towards the movies to see "Horton Hears a Who". And boy it is a funny movie! I laughed so hard at it and I'm 15! When the movie finished, it was 9 o'clock and the next bus didn't come around for another 40 minutes so we stood in between the doors at the movies and just talked and goofed around. Stephanie, Kaho, Yunhee and I took the bus but Megan's Dad drove her home. I am now sleeping over at Yunhee's and its been a lot of fun so far. When we got here, I used her bathroom while she cleaned up her supposedly messy room. When we settled in, we talked about my visit in Korea for my birthday that is coming up and then she pulled out a bag of pens and told me to pick some of them to have! I'm sooo happy and proud that I know officially own something Korean. Haha. Then we straightened each other's hair and did make-up and pictures.

I love these girls to death and I am so glad to be their friend. I'm honoured that I can call them friends.

}Y{- Nichelle

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