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You searched for: Tag: TremblingAngel
    TremblingAngel  33, Female, Ohio, USA - 2 entries
Sep 2007
7:26 PM EDT

Well I'm currently watching "Dog The Bounty Hunter." *Smiles* It'd be so cornsome (awesome) to do that. Ehh... I might considered it one. Like... when I have muscles...

*Hears Thunder* Okay... so... anyway... I tend to forget things. A lot. Haha! Uhm, I'm from Ohio in the USA. I was asked that question on one of the sites. *Keeps Hearing Thunder* It sounds like it's going to bad! *Hears More* Of course I live right by a reservoir so it's going to be even worse because of the water. *Shudders* I love thunderstorms... unless they're terribly bad. *Checks The Weather Channel's Website* Oh yeah... the storm is like a few miles away. Haha! Scary...

Oh! One thing I want to touch on is names I'll call people. I call people "hun, dear, dearie, sweetie, darling" and so on and so forth. I call everyone those. So if you're a guy and I call you "darling," it's okay. Haha! I'm not hitting on you or anything. This goes for everyone. Trust me, I've already found my special someone.

Oh! So I was in the bathroom today and I happened to look out the window and saw a squirrel. Squirrels are awesome. When they hop around it's like a wave. Hehe! *Giggles* Oh! And their tails are amazingly awesome! Yes, yes, very cornsome indeed! I want one as a pet but it would probably attack me in my sleep. Haha! No doubt about it. Actually... there could be. But... ehh... yeah. Anyway... we have some pretty awesome squirrels around here. They like to climb up a tree... drop off of it for many many feet, until they land on the bird house. Then they eat the food. Haha! They also like to climb up the pole to it. Mom greased it with something before and it was just so freakin' funny to watch them climb up it. Haha! They would get like half-way up it and fall. Haha! Squirrely, squirrely, squirrely...

*Sighs* Anyway... I want to go to sleep soon. I'm quite tired, and I need my sleep. Hehe! I've been so tired lately. Once I get to sleep it's hard to get me out of it. For once I have deep sleep. But I hope that'll happen again tonight. Haha!

So school was alright today. I had Pre-Calc homework. *Dies* I also have Chemistry homework but I'm saving that for lunch. Haha! Oh! And, of course, today at lunch, the machine ate my money. Yep! I wanted some water but the flappin' machine was jammed and I didn't see it until it was too late. Nice, right? So the school will basically give me my money back whenever the dude gets there. *Shrugs And Sighs* C'est la vie...

I talked to my best friend, Lindsey, today. It's been a while since we go to different schools now. *Sighs* I miss her. We'll have to get together soon, though. French class isn't the same without her. *Sighs Again* Then again, nothing is.

*Sighs Again For The God Knows How Many Times* I think it's time for me to go to bed. Ciao, dolls! Oh yeah! That's something else I say! Oh! One last thing! If you don't like the fact that I'm engaged to a girl, then don't read my posts. One person already said something about it on one site. Thank you. Good night, everyone. See my first entry if you wish to contact me or anything. *Smiles*


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